My tips on how to plan a gender reveal
Finding out the gender of your baby is probably one of the most exciting moments of your pregnancy!
Have you ever heard the phrase: ‘it doesnt matter if it’s a boy or a girl, what matters is that it is a healthy baby’? While that’s true, it is also one of the biggest lies. It does matter. Not because you would love them any less, but because it’s one of the first pieces of information you will get in your journey of getting to know the mini you you’re bringing to the world. And it is a large portion of their personality too.
Of course, some people choose not to know until birth. Although I respect it, I couldn’t do it myself haha. ‘I gots to know!’ – as Barney says in How I Met Your Mother.

But finding out early doesn’t mean it cannot be exciting too. What about a gender reveal? Wether that’s a surprise for you and your partner or a surprise for everyone else, it’s a very exciting way to know the gender of your baby.
Here are a few tips on organizing a gender reveal:
1. Decide if you want to also be surprised or if it is for your family and friends only

2. If you want to be surprised, arrange for someone to know and help organise

That can be a friend, just make sure it’s a friend that can keep a secret! Or it can be for instance your photographer. Me! 😊
I would help you choose the location, the props for the reveal, the angles and of course guard your secret until that special moment.
3. Arrange for your midwife to write the gender in a letter and seal it. You can then hand over this to who is helping you.

4. Decide how the reveal will go. There are so many options!
Smoke bombs, balloons, confetti, coloring white chocolate fountains (yum!) and many creative DIY ideas too. You can have a party or just an intimate moment between your partner and yourself. You can have your other kids run the show… go big, go small.
5. And last but not least, hire a photographer and/or videographer. Capturing the surprise mili-second is priceless. Your friends instagram story of it won’t be enough, trust me!

Did it all sound super cool? I would love to help you plan yours!
Reach out and let’s chat about it : danirua@little-moments.eu